Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gig photos by Chastain Cannon

We have been lucky enough that Mickey's step son Chastane, a master-class photographer come out and take pictures of the band in action. He has decided to share some of his photos he's taken at our last few gigs. Check out the boys in action courtesy of Chastain.

Click here to contact Chastain Cannon for a photoshoot.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hey all, first of all thanks to anyone who's following the blog. I hope you guys have seen and enjoyed the show. I think I can speak for the band when I say that we all really appreciate your support and feedback. We're working hard to get out there more than once a month and hope for your continued support. Stay tuned for updates that could be coming very soon on that subject.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Rembrandt's Gig on the 18th

Had a good show on Saturday night with a decent turnout of friends and family. Our show started a bit rough with some equipment issues but we got that handled and went on to put on a good show. 

Lot's of things to highlight not to mention the 6 new songs we folded into the lineup. From the feedback I heard, Counting Blue Cars and I Come from the Water were fan favorites. Additcted to Love  and Jessie's Girl got the crowd up and dancing. But from the new songs the one I got talked about the most was our version of Tainted Love. A faster and bit harder version that blew those few friends away. Hoping to have downloadable versions for everyone soon. We're meeting as a band to discuss recording options so for the 2 people who read this blog, if you know anyone who can assist with audio recording then give us a ring.

We had a photographer on hand 'Chastane Pogue' who took over 200 pictures that we'll be sharing with all of you soon. 

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Need a videographer for the next Gig on the 18th

We have all of the equipment but we need the director, someone who can shoot video for us at the next show on April 18th, anyone interested can reply to this post. 

We are also looking for anyone with lighting experience to talk to about being able to light the stage during the shows. Post here or email us at DallasCoverBand@gmail.com. 

And the set list grows

it's amazing when you get to that point that the songs just keep coming with a lot less effort. Don't get me wrong, there is still a ton of practice to be had to fine tune each new song but things are coming much faster. 

We just added about 10 more and from that have decided on about 5 of the 6 more we are going to add for this next show. No pressure huh? I'm not going to let all of the new ones fly just yet but last night our cover of the Toadies 'I come from the water' blew me away. We are also taking some creative liscence with the song 'Tainted Love' that just left the thought 'wow' when it was all done. 

We keep at it and when we send out the invites this next time I'm going to include the link to this blog on there with hopes to build the set list in part from suggestions from those who read and post here. 

We'll keep at it, just keep coming out and lettin' loose.

Taste Life. Drink Music!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Next Gig is set!

The last gig went real well, just heard from the owner and he wants us back two weeks from tonight. We'll bring even more energy to this next show so we hope all of our friends can make it out. The next gig is on Saturday - April 18th at 1opm. 

We've got some things going on in our studio right now trying to
 continue to build up our set list adding some really good songs. From repeated requests from Kim Wilkins we've got 'I come from the water' underway and was she right, it's a hell of a song. Along with that we've been working out 'American Girl' by Tom Petty, 'Addicted to Love' by Robert Palmer and our own spin on 'Tainted Love'. There's about 6 more in the works but we'll leave a few of them in the bag to surprise the crew that shows up that night. 

Here is the link to Rembrandt's Site: http://www.caferembrandtdallas.com/

The location can be a bit tricky if it's your first time coming out so be sure to check out the maps on the website. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The new Blog

Just had a great show at Rembrandt's Dutch Pub in the west end of Dallas. Will be sharing some pictures and videos from that soon.

One of our first gigs at Bullwinkles

One of our first gigs at Bullwinkles
Getting our feet wet

About Me

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Dallas, Texas, United States